About Us
Allama Iqbal Institute of Management is the third best rated B-School and the second best rated industry interfaced B-school in Kerala.

Dr. M .H. Salim
Director, AIIM
Director's Message
Warm Greetings to All!
Allama Iqbal Institute of Management has completed 20 years of excellent service in Professional Management Education in the State. This institute has made great achievements in fulfilling its aim and objectives. Our students are given training to become outstanding managers and we emphasize in providing high quality management education. Our mission is “Excellence in leadership through progressive learning”. In addition to curriculum training, our students are also trained in the latest knowledge in modern managerial techniques. They are also trained in teamwork, communication skills, strategic thinking and creativity. The students of AIIM have consistently shown brilliant academic performance and have acquired the skills necessary to meet the challenges of this changing world. This was possible due to the sincere efforts of our students, devotion of our faculty, and strong support and encouragement given by the Iqbal College Trust.
I congratulate each and every one and wish them all success.