Faculty Members
Allama Iqbal Institute of Management is the third best rated B-School and the second best rated industry interfaced B-school in Kerala.

Dr. M.H. Salim
Director, AIIM
Dr. M.H Salim has served as Professor and Director of different
Management Institutes. He brings with him around 35 years of
experience in teaching, Research and Industry. He was Doctoral
Research Guide of different Universities including University of Kerala,
Mahatma Gandhi University and Bharathiar University; and has
produced several doctorates. He has several Research and Publications
to his credit. Dr. Salim is a life member of various professional bodies
like National Institute of Personnel Management and All India
Management Association.
Faculty Members (Regular)

Visiting Faculty
- Prof. (Dr.) Sulphey M.M., MA (Psy), PhD
- Dr. George Henry, MA, PhD (Former Principal, Fathimamatha College, Kollam)
- Mr. Balachandran K.K, B.Tech, MBA(Group General Manager and COE, HMT Bangalore)
- Mr. Prabhakaran B.Tech, MBA (CEO, Finserve, Kollam)
- Dr. Kalyani Vallath, MA, PhD (Director, Total English Solutions Ltd, Trivandrum)
- Mr. Rameshan K. K., BTech (Mech), PGDBM (General Manager, English Indian Clay Pvt. Ltd.)
- Mrs. Betty John, MCA (General Manager, Software Development and Training, Keltron)